We provide Cyber Security advice, free hardware, and more.

Available to all BCH Non-Profit Housing Partners

We are here to help you.

Keep up to date with Cyber Security news, Sector-Focused Grants, and all things IT

Learn How to Mastermind a Security Awareness Program in 5 Steps!

Services We Offer

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Our Hardware Donation Program works to assist our partners by donating refurbished hardware to housing providers with the goal of replacing obsolete and/or vulnerable systems. Click below to email us and learn more.

We offer a set of educational offerings designed to support our partners through their technology endeavors. Our learning offerings include three branches: Microsoft Office Productivity, Cyber Security, and Privacy.

Our Management Consulting services aim to help our partners through IT challenges such as Cloud Implementations, IT Security Assessments, Information Risk Management, and more.

Recent Posts and Templates

Add these 6 important items to your IT assessment checklist to stay one step ahead.
Know the Risks. Protect Yourself. Protect Your Business
Use this IT Security Policy Template and modify it as needed to create your own IT Security Policy.

Business Email Compromise (BEC) is a sophisticated scam targeting organizations by attacking legitimate business email accounts to conduct unauthorized fund transfers.
Use this simple template to do an IT Strategic Plan for your organization.
Use the following templates to create a Request for Proposal

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