Security updates for Microsoft 365 apps on Windows 7 ending in January 2023

Microsoft has announced that Microsoft 365 Apps running on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or Windows Server 2008 R2 will stop receiving security updates on January 10, 2023.

Windows 7 went out of support in 2020, but Microsoft recognized that many enterprises were not ready to upgrade to a newer version. For a fee, it made Extended Security Updates (ESU) available, which would provide security patches. Microsoft is now announcing the three-year Extended Security Updates (ESU) program will end in January.

Organizations running Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 on any computer or device are strongly encouraged to upgrade to Windows 10 or Windows 11 as soon as they can to ensure systems are protected.

If your organization is a BC Housing partner and requires hardware assistance to complete this upgrade, please contact us at and we will work with your team to address this security vulnerability.

Sources: Microsoft Documentation | Microsoft Tech Community

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